Smart Plan Management is an NDIS Plan Manager based in Geelong servicing clients Australia wide, Dillon Butten is the owner and operator who has 11 years NDIS experience, primarily as an NDIS lead in Finance with providers, since NDIS was rolled out we have gained an in-depth understanding of the rules and objectives of the NDIS

During this time with NDIS providers we have had many opportunities to be able to support the clients encountering difficulties with their NDIS plans, which lead to us being well known and trusted by these clients who felt they had someone who could listen to their issues and easily explain the process.

Seeing this impact that we were making and the appreciation we had received from both clients and internally within the organisations we worked for inspired us to look at how we can do more and make a bigger impact, This is when Smart Plan Management was born.

As we have both supported all aspects of NDIS funding whether the plan was agency managed, self managed or plan managed, we have the experience and understanding of what needs to be done in a variety of situations. Which also allowed us to provide clients with the knowledge and understanding they need to be able to utilize their plan in a way that allows them to live their best life and achieve their goals